How can creativity be used in coaching? It may not be something you’ve considered, but you’ll be amazed at the excitement and stimulation that creativity can bring to your coaching conversations. Engage creativity and help your client circumvent the left brain logic processor and create more insights and perspectives.

Kathleen Stinnett is a Master Certified Coach and the principal and founder of FutureLaunch, an organization that provides clients with coaching and human performance solutions. She brings over 25 years of experience working with individuals and organizations to improve effectiveness enhance fulfillment, and create sustainable change and results. A popular speaker, author, and facilitator, Kathleen coaches leaders at all levels to understand and improve their personal leadership effectiveness. Taking a strengths-based approach to development, she works with leaders and organizations to help create environments in which people flourish.

In 2000, Kathleen completed a professional coaching certification program with the Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara and subsequently earned the MCC credentials through the International Coach Federation. In 2010, Kathleen and John Zenger co-authored the book, The Extraordinary Coach: How the Best Leaders Help Others Grow, and developed the award-winning Extraordinary Coach program, targeted at managers who want to improve their coaching effectiveness.

Show HIghlights:

  • How Kathleen came into coaching after getting clear on her values and passion
  • Furthering the field of coaching through writing her book, empowering leaders to be coaches, along with her coaching supervision and positive psychology work
  • The difference between a coach mentor and a coach supervisor
  • Using creativity in coaching: how to use metaphors with clients
  • How metaphors bring more insight, more perspective, and more possibilities
  • One of Kathleen’s techniques: “What fairy tale does this remind you of?”
  • Why the coach needs to “offer” a potential metaphor and see how it is received and if it fits with the client
  • Other ways Kathleen uses metaphor and image in her coaching: using dance and pieces of music
  • Ways to play with supervision: “What movie, book, or character does this remind you of?”
  • Using colors and shapes within metaphors
  • Transitioning back to coaching from the creative experience
  • Using shorthand language
  • Using immediacy and empathy, as a coach is a mirror for the client’s experiences
  • Kathleen’s wish for coaches: “Trust yourself, get present and show up. Keep your focus on the client and you’ll do great work.”


The Extraordinary Coach by John Zenger and Kathleen Stinnett

Download Kathleen’s handout for Creative Possibilities in Coaching

Kathleen Stinnett