It’s been said that “everyone has a book in them”, and as a coach, that may be truer than ever. Have you ever thought about writing a book? Have you ever wondered why other coaches aren’t just writing one book, but many? What’s it doing for their coaching practice?

“You discover more about who you are in this process.”

Today’s guest is a coach on many different levels, but her main focus is coaching authors. Kathy Sparrow is a self-leadership expert, message strategist, author, speaker and university professor. With a background in publishing, she uses coaching skills to help others fulfill their dream of sharing their unique perspective and wisdom with others through the written word and being a published author. As Kathy notes, a book is a great way for your audience to get to know you; “to peek behind the curtain.” The idea of writing a book can be daunting, Kathy shares her tips and strategies for creating success and how the whole process of writing is a self-development journey.

“A book is your golden business card.”

If you have thought of writing a book, this is the episode for you. Learn how you can make the process more efficient and avoid the mistakes so many first-time authors make.

“The whole writing process is a self-development journey”

Tune into the episode as Meg and Kathy also discuss:

  • Meeting at a Jack Canfield conference
  • Kathy has been teaching people how to write and publish books for over 20 years
  • Getting coach specific training through The Gardner Institute
  • How training helped her to establish a better presence
  • Fear can increase toward the end of the writing process
  • When you feel vulnerable, a writing coach can help understand this and push through to completion
  • “I married my love of helping people grow with my love of writing”
  •  A book is a marketing tool
  • Begin by creating awareness
  • Identify your audience
  • What is the problem that you help solve?
  • Self Publish vs. Using a Publisher
  • Securing someone to write a forward
  • How to get testimonials
  • Write Content
  • Chunk it Down

Connect with Kathy:

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