According to our guest, as coaches we have the capability to catalyze the world to greater well being.  What an extraordinarily wonderful and powerful belief.  To build that capability, we growth and strengthen the way that we show up to partner with our clients.  In today’s show, we are talking about the nitty-gritty of active listening and creating awareness-how we can masterfully partner with our clients by truly hearing what they present and exploring what is being learned for ongoing transformation. Join us!

Kathy Harman, MCC, is a “techie-turned-coach” who works with coaches to train them and help them bring their best forward. Kathy focuses today on three potential areas of struggle and growth for the coaches she helps. Kathy has been blending her coaching knowledge with her 30+ years’ experience in IT to develop the PRISM team coaching approach. She is the co-director of Training for Success Unlimited Network, where she works with her students around the spirit and passion of coaching. Kathy is the author of PRISM Teams: Coaching Prolific Radically Innovative Self-Managed Teams, as well as The ABC’s of Living Well. She is a leader and pioneer in the coaching industry who’s here to share her wealth of expertise with us!

Show Highlights:

  • What inspires Kathy most about the field of coaching
  • The ripple effect of coaching, where you can impact someone who, in turn, impacts others
  • Trends for coaches that become barriers and get in the way: establishing a coaching agreement, active listening, and creating awareness
  • Our purpose: to help clients maximize potential and find sustainable results
  • As a coach, we have to tune our ears differently:
    • Don’t just hear the words
    • Listen for who the person is and why they are having this problem
    • Don’t focus on solving their problems
  • How to listen for strong words and strong beliefs
  • Listen for words we “assume” we understand
  • Why coaches need to explore further any time a client expresses strong feelings
  • How emotions and energy changes mean something, but a coach must be careful not to label those moments
  • How to invite exploration around emotions
  • As a coach, how to know how much to share, for the service of the client
  • Why it’s NOT about you, but it’s about the client
  • Everything you share should be without attachment
  • How to shift it back to the client and focus on what they think or feel
  • How to help them focus down on key points in a story
  • Coaches need to ask what the client is learning because that’s awareness
  • How to capture temporary awareness into long-term learning
  • How real transformation happens


Kathy’s websites: Kathy Harman

Success Unlimited Network: SuccessUnlimited Net

Ep 107 with Fran Fisher: How to Establish a Clear Coaching Agreement

Listener survey: Survey Monkey

PRISM Teams: Coaching Prolific Radically Innovative Self-Managed Teams by Kathy Harman

The ABC’s of Living Well by Kathy Harman