Halloween week is here, so I thought I would play off that theme in this solo episode. It can be an uncomfortable and frightening moment when you ask for someone’s business or ask a client if they want to partner with you in the coaching process. We want to look at different pieces of the ask, ways to get around the discomfort, and how we can truly believe in the services and transformation we offer. Let’s clear away the fog and the “what if” images and make the ASK process a lot less scary!
Show Highlights:

  • How to offer an exploratory call for potential clients

  • How to get clear about the purpose of your coaching

  • The benefit of offering sample sessions to those who can become ambassadors for you as a coach

  • When you need to say NO to a client

  • How clear are you about the results you bring to clients?

  • Focus on the transformation you bring to clients–instead of focusing on their rejection

  • Why you must detach yourself from the outcome

  • Why you should offer coaching packages with built-in assessments and resources

  • How your accessibility will increase when you can present your packages to potential clients

  • One example of a free tool to make your packages more robust is the VIA Character Strengths Assessment