● Gratitude expert, Robert Emmons, identifies two components of gratitude: affirmation of goodness and the recognition of the sources of goodness outside of ourselves
● Why our focus often shifts to the division around us instead of the relationships in our lives for which we should be grateful
● Science has made recent advancements in measuring the impact of gratitude on our brains, mental health, and overall well being
● Benefits to practicing gratitude:
○ The brain is flooded with dopamine, giving a natural high that counters depression and anxiety
○ Emotions shift from negative to positive and build resilience to help us “bounce back” from trauma
○ Other benefits include higher self-esteem and better sleep
● The 2012 University of Kentucky study showing that participants ranking higher on gratitude scales are less likely to seek revenge and more likely to be empathetic to others
● A gratitude practice takes no special training or certification
● Gratitude shares its benefits with both the giver and the receiver
● Ideas for incorporating gratitude practice into daily life:
○ Keep a daily gratitude journal
○ Make charitable donations and/or volunteer your time
○ Tell others that you appreciate them
○ Write letters of appreciation
○ Have a daily trigger that helps you remember to express gratitude
○ Practice mindfulness and kindness to others
○ Release judgment
● What are you thankful for today?
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