We are in the middle of difficult times in our world as an unseen illness ripples through and mandates increased isolation. Even though there are many serious issues on our minds, the truth is that we need community right now–in every sense of the word. In these desperate times and across every niche, coaches are needed right now more than ever.

Dr. Val Hastings is a Master Certified Coach, and he’s the founder and president of Coaching4Today’sLeaders and Coaching4Clergy. He hired his first coach while pastoring at a local United Methodist Church, and you’ll love the interesting story about how he discovered the power of the coaching process. Val is the author of numerous books and has developed four coach training programs, all accredited by the ICF and currently offered on five continents. He has seen an incredible ripple effect of his global approach with coaching programs, which has expanded his influence to unimaginable heights.

Show Highlights:

● Val’s work with the specific population of faith-based organizations, and how he entered the coaching profession

● How Val continued as a pastor while beginning his coaching career by coaching 38 people over 18 months

● How coaching is impacting faith-based organizations with its popularity

● Val’s program of working with leaders in faith-based organizations to empower them to coach

● Why denominational leaders want to have coaching skills

● Why Val went for the top certification as a Master Certified Coach

● How coaching works in faith-based organizations in specific ways

● Why people don’t think the faith-based coaching niche can be profitable—but they are wrong!

● Why there isn’t a price tag on having your pastor be focused, sharp, healthy, and at his/her best

● The interesting prevalence of ADHD diagnoses among pastors, and how coaching can help with their focus

● Val’s global teaching and coaching, which happens both in-person and online

● The pushback Val experiences from some pastors who want their team to be coached, but not themselves

● How Coaching4Clergy began in 2001

● How current events convince clergy that now, more than ever, coaching is relevant and necessary

● How we can be creative and focused in the way we help our clients


Email: val@coaching4todaysleaders.com

Websites: https://coaching4clergy.com/ and https://coaching4todaysleaders.com/