In these uncertain times, my heart is with all who are suffering across our country and the world. I am dedicated to keeping you connected to the coaching field no matter what we face, and being a masterful coach has never been a more relevant topic than it is right now. Let’s explore this subject together!

Judith Duhl is the founder of Crossing the Thresholds of Your Life: From Transition to Transformation. She’s been called “The Soul Whisperer,” and has over 20 years of coaching experience. Judith is also a Certified Professional CoActive Coach, having attended the Coach Training Institute and receiving her Master of Coaching Certification in 2006. Judith brings a depth of experience to today’s show in explaining how to be open, vulnerable, and still. She is also a speaker at The Essence of Mastery Summit, a quality training that I highly recommend.

Show Highlights:

● How Judith’s journey led her into the field of coaching

● How master coaches can impact others by meeting clients where they are

● How to use obstacles in our coaching as new opportunities

● Why we need to learn to be still

● Why clients relax when a coach invites them to be present without needing to change

● The power to be found in befriending failure

● How accepting your own failure impacts the way you coach others

● Why Judith encourages herself and her clients to take more risks

● The value of being in relationship with risk, challenge, failure, and obstacles

● Creating the space for everything to show up

● The dynamic of the coach and client in “the healing work of a lifetime”

● Why it’s OK not to know what happens next, especially in uncertain times

● How to “create from” rather than “react to”


Find the STaR Coach Show Facebook page for information on Wednesday’s Wisdom, a live Q & A every Wednesday at 9 am