● Why we need to address the subject of coaching through fear
● Why most negative emotions (panic, anger, frustration) are fear-based feelings
● What we should pay attention to with our clients
● How a coach can help when a client feels fearful by using tone, presence, and holding space for emotions, but not trying to “fix” the fear for them
● The importance of managing emotions and being curious with your coaching presence
● The value of listening, in being a safe and trusted space and being OK with silence
● Having courage as a coach to own the vulnerability
● Indicators that the emotion might be a mental wellness issue and a referral might be needed
● How emotions and anxiety can make people feel stuck and pull them away from day-to-day function
● Questions that coaches can ask about what they notice with clients
● How to coach through fear to ground the client to move into the future with calm, reason, and freedom
● Why it’s OK to ask about the support that clients need from their coach and other people around them
Link for Jean’s show:
STaR Coach Show: Episode 176: Top 10 Lessons Learned From My 20 Years Coaching Jean Oplinger MCC (https://www.starcoachshow.com/episodes/176-top-10-lessons-learned-from-my-20-years-coaching-jean-oplinger-mcc/)
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