My guests are Josh Lissauer and George Nuthu, global co-leaders of the ICF’s Ethics Community of Practice. We’ll talk about how you can access valuable resources and learn how the umbrella of ethics affects how we conduct ourselves with sensitivity to cultural differences, maintaining privacy, and showing authentic truth in who we are. We’ll also talk about the benefits of belonging to a global community with specific standards and why we need to understand the code of ethics.
George Nuthu joins us today from Africa. He has volunteered with committees and organizations within the ICF as a global volunteer and consultant. George is a leadership development coach whose mission is to inspire and influence leaders to discover their potential, passion, and performance so their teams can deliver the highest productivity and profitability.
Josh Lissauer is a certified professional coach whose focus is to serve and support the global community in career and life transitions. Josh volunteers at the Long Island ICF chapter.
Show Highlights:
● The background of the ICF Communities of Practice and the resources available for coaches
● How George became a volunteer and then a leader in the Ethics Community of Practice
● What George gained in meeting with coaches from all over the world
● From Josh: how ethics support the coaching industry with standards, guidelines, and procedures
● The value of ethics in providing guidelines for how we should behave as professionals
● How ethics standards are relevant in today’s world of online interaction
● How ethics share values with the ICF’s core competencies
● The confusion when coaches identify themselves incorrectly as “ICF-certified”
● How a coach can post an ethics question (or find an answer to a question) on the ICF global website
Where to find Communities of Practice