If you would like to discover a whole new way to reach people and help them get in touch with their feelings, listen in to today’s show, with Meg’s guest, Max, to find out about Equine Assisted Learning and how it can help you as a coach.
Dr. Suzanne Maxwell, who goes by Max, has a Ph.D. in sociology. On today’s show, she explains to Meg just how effective Equine Assisted Learning really is. Listen in today and find out about how Max and her wonderful horse, Tracker help people to gain a deeper understanding of themselves.
Today, Max talks to Meg about:
- What initially brought her into the world of coaching.
- Her journey towards Equine Assisted Coaching and what she’s looking at currently, in that area.
- Why humans have such a unique relationship with horses.
- The basis of experiential learning.
- Why her approach is not outcome based.
- Meg’s powerful experience with Max and her horse, Tracker, and how it helped her.
- The study done by the Institute Of Heart Math to look at how people’s energy affects others (and horses).
- Why it helps that horses cannot speak.
- How horses help to ground people.
- How horses can help people to develop their leadership skills.
- The great impact that horses can have on people in a short amount of time.
- Keeping it out of the head and in the body.
- The power of working with no language, only energetics.