We know that it’s vital for coaches to show up with curiosity and deep listening skills. The deep listening we are referring to carries many nuances, and those are the focus of today’s show. Join us to learn more about the importance of listening and connecting with your clients.

Tijen Genco is a Master Certified Coach who has experience in every aspect of coaching as a mentor, practitioner, and coach educator. She’s an executive life and wellbeing coach who specializes in cultural transformation through the mindful awakening of individuals and companies. Tijen combines neuroscience and transcendental approaches to behavioral change. In 2013, Tijen served three months in India to help improve the quality of maternal health services in rural areas. She’s a thoughtful and gentle spirit who is highly skilled in coaching. In today’s episode, Tijen gives examples of how to be fully present with clients and remove barriers that can get in the way of deep listening.

Show Highlights:

●     A look at Tijen’s journey into coaching

●     How core competencies relate to deep listening as far as what does NOT work:

○     Some coaches interpret the competencies literally and in order

○     Some coaches don’t take time to explore with the client

○     Some coaches ask the same questions over and over again

●     Why the coach needs to be self-aware

●     The coach’s needs:

○     To be comfortable with ambiguity

○     To allow the client to choose whether to act or not to act

○     To get feedback

●     Why the focus of the session has to stay on the client

●     Regarding the language of coaching, the coach should use open-ended questions and not fall into assumptions

●     The client’s model of the world, which is the way our socialization gives us an interpretive language to understand

●     Listening for the essence of what the client says and presents

●     Tijen’s take on note-taking during a coaching session

●     Why the coach’s expressive language must match the clients


Genco Coaching

Join Meg every Wednesday at 9:00 am CT/10:00 am ET for Facebook Live on the STaR Coach page: Facebook: STaRCoachShow