Today’s show will help coaches think through their messaging when they connect with clients. Even though today’s show focuses on creating webinars that convert, my guest has a lot of helpful information about connecting with clients and creating compelling messages. Join us to learn more.
Michelle Barry Franco works with coaches, wellness experts, and business leaders to build thriving businesses that change lives and the world. She has spent the last 12 years supporting many well-known entrepreneurs to craft compelling business messages and programs. Michelle is a high-impact speaking coach and works with people to create TEDx talks and speak at conferences. She’s an author and the host of the Brilliance at Work podcast. Michelle founded Coaches Leadership Collective and created the Speaking So It Matters presentation skills training. In today’s show, Michelle will help us understand the four key elements in crafting any compelling message for our audience.
Show Highlights:
● How Michelle ended up where she is today, prompted by a family tragedy during high school that spurred her into active speaking roles
● Why a coach should see webinars as a valuable platform to expand their reach, impact more people, and ensure evergreen content
● How to use webinars as a way to convert people into paying clients
● Michelle’s “Quad Pod” of great webinars: “I see you, I get you, I know what you want, and I can help.”
● Why the presenter should ask, “What am I here to say? Who are they, and what do they need?”
● The mistake that many people make in trying to help clients too soon
● The importance of the intimate audience connection
● How to communicate through your webinar that you SEE the client (Hint: use your story)
● How to build in Michelle’s key elements into a great webinar
● Examples of webinars that convert
● How to let people know about your webinar
● Final words from Michelle: “Don’t skip the story part in your webinar because stories inspire people to action. They can be a beacon light to others. Don’t forget the call to action in letting people know what you want them to do.”
Connect with Michelle on Facebook: Michelle Barry Franco Executive and Speaking Coach
Connect with Michelle on Instagram: MichelleBFranco
Check out her websites: Michelle Barry Franco and Brilliance at Work
Michelle’s giveaway: The Only Presentation Outline that You’ll Ever Need
Join Meg every Wednesday Morning at 9 am CT/10 am ET for Fb Live on the STaR Coach page