We are always looking for different ways to leverage our small businesses to create the impact we want. One way to make that happen is with a membership site. I met today’s guest at a conference, and I knew I had to have her on the show to share her expertise. We are covering the things you should know about a membership site for your business. Join us!
Meghann Conter sprinkles laughter dust and butterfly kisses all over the world. She has created a fabulous membership site for her community to bring added value. Meghann is on a mission to elevate more women in business to the seven-figure mark and beyond. She empowers women-led organizations to leap over revenue targets, grow professionally and personally, get out of serious as often as possible. She focuses on forming meaningful collaborative relationships as founder of The Dames, an international community that celebrates women running and leading 6 & 7-figure companies or divisions.
Show Highlights:
● Meghann’s path to where she is today, from a corporate career that sucked the joy out of her
● How Meghann felt blocked in building her business because she was trying to copy what others were doing
● Why she craved connection with like-minded, high-caliber women
● How Meghann lives today in the space of ease, flow, and FUN
● How to better understand a membership site, like Meghann’s The Dames
● Steps in creating a successful membership site:
○ Get aligned so you know where you’re going
○ Get clear about who it is that you serve
○ Focus on your packaging, pricing, and positioning to accomplish your goals
○ Realize that your membership site can be a lead generator
● How Meghann’s membership site is structured with virtual and chapter-based memberships and events for her target audience
● How to utilize talented, creative people to help you accomplish your goals
● The #1 advantage of a membership site is recurring income and compounding revenue
● What Meghann realized about her strengths and her “sweet spot”
● Meghann’s parting advice:
○ Keep it simple in all ways
○ Allow yourself to morph and innovate with what happens next
○ Listen to your members and ask them what they want