Today’s show dives deep into what drives us, and we’re looking through the lens of how this concept applies to your work with clients, along with your personal development and awareness as a coach. Join us!
Dr. Chris Coultas serves as vice president of product innovation and is a senior consultant at Leadership Worth Following. Since joining the LWF in 2014, Chris has assessed and coached hundreds of leaders. He has spearheaded a number of company-wide research and development initiatives, including the development of the DRiV assessment. It’s a tool that goes a step beyond personality assessments in providing valuable insights into what drives and drains people in their careers. Chris shares with us the benefits of looking into drivers and their impact in the workplace, such as engagement, resilience, burnout, culture fit, teamwork, leadership influence, and overall job performance. He recently wrote Driven Not Drained: Discover Your Path to Career Happiness, Effectiveness, and Influence.
Show Highlights:
● The importance of understanding the things that either drive us or drain us
● How Chris came into this work
● Why we need to understand the WHY behind our WHAT
● The difference in personality and drivers in determining what drives the behavior
● How Chris explains the components of drive:
○ The behavioral bucket: what we do
○ The affective bucket: what we want to do
○ The cognitive bucket: what we should do
● Why only a few people can accept us in our unfiltered, authentic state
● The importance of a clear sense of pursuing our drivers and avoiding drainers while not overemphasizing either one
● How motivational hooks can help with what drives someone
● How coaches can use drivers to leverage higher motivators with clients
● How awareness of drivers helps clients become aware of biases
● How understanding drivers help coaches with self-awareness and communication styles
● How drivers function in work with groups and teams, based on six factors: impact, insight, connection, harmony, productivity, and meaning
● Chris’ DRiV assessment tool, which contains 28 drivers within each of the six factors, and how they emphasize the positive implications of each driver with accessible language
Twitter: @DriveDrain
Driven Not Drained: Discover Your Path to Career Happiness, Effectiveness, and Influence Hardcover – May 25, 2021