This is an important show full of impactful and relevant issues. The truth is that no one is immune to trauma at some point in life. Join us to hear the truth about trauma.

Dr. Kemia Sarraf, also known as “Dr. K,” is an internist, educator, and physician and leadership coach who focuses on leadership and coaching in and beyond severe burnout, toxic stress, and trauma. She is the go-to expert in this field and the founder and CEO of Lodestar, a professional coaching and consulting firm that uses a 360-degree trauma-aware container for coaching, coach training, leadership training and Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion facilitation. Dr. K is a gifted storyteller and a sought-after speaker who is deeply intuitive and open in sharing her knowledge of intra-traumatic growth. She’s here to share timely and key information to help us with today’s challenges.

Show Highlights:

●     What brought Dr. K to where she is in her journey

●     How her son’s leukemia diagnosis at age 13 shaped her life and coach training work

●     How Dr. K noticed, in her coaching work with physicians, that “burnout” was a symptom of something deeper and that the term was being weaponized against physicians by administration and management

●     How “stepping into choice” is a trauma-mitigating strategy

●     Why physicians are more open to coaching rather than therapy

●     Dr. K explains the spectrum of stress to trauma, which can be an event or an environment

●     Why connection is the key to trauma mitigation

●     How trauma primes us for future trauma

●     Why we have to recognize and name “Big T traumas” and “Small t traumas”

●     How our wounds can become sacred places of wisdom as they heal

●     How coaching through trauma differs from therapy

●     How the trauma-informed approach doesn’t require the coach to know the source of the pain

●     The 360-degree perspective in trauma mitigation

●     The rest of the story of Dr. K’s son, Joseph, and how he channeled his pain into purpose

●     Holding space for the pain of trauma to be normalized and reframed

●     The bright spot of trauma-informed coaching because of COVID: growing recognition in the governing bodies that there is room in the Venn diagram for overlap

●     Why the words “trauma” and “victim” are not synonymous

●     Dr. K’s program and how it can help physicians for the worst that is yet to come

●     Why the best thing for a human in pain is another human


Twitter: @DrKemia

LinkedIn: Dr. Kemia

Facebook: Lodestar Trauma Mitigation 

Website: Lodestar