How strong are the standard operating procedures at your business? Can you take a vacation with confidence, knowing your systems and processes are in place even if you aren’t there? Today’s show takes a deeper look at those supporting pieces that need to be in place so our businesses can function well and create flow with a solid foundation. Join us to learn more!

Lizabeth Wesely-Casella is the founder and CEO of L-12 Services LLC, a firm specializing in internal communications training and executive virtual assistance. In 2014, Lizabeth organized and led a process and communication change coalition for First Lady Michelle Obama’s signature program, Let’s Move! Today, Lizabeth uses her communication, collaboration, and LEAN process design skills to identify where businesses can overcome challenges related to scaling, process breakdown, workflow management, and culture. Lizabeth is the Advisory Board Chair for the Association of Virtual Assistants (AVA). She helps clients regain the headspace they need to think creatively and become the leaders that their organizations deserve.

Show Highlights:

●     How Lizabeth survived disasters as an executive assistant in the construction arena, in nonprofits, and as a policymaker–to end up where she is today

●     How systems can be customized to your business and achieve the results you want

●     An example of standardized communication systems that can be customized to fit your needs

●     The importance of intentionality in your work

●     Why you need to share your vision and goals with others through documentation

●     How to capture and refine procedures:

○     Plan out your week on Sunday (do this for several weeks)

○     Pinpoint the practices that are a process

○     Standardize the steps that are repetitive and collect them in a Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) book

●     How structure creates flexibility and freedom

●     How to use reverse engineering to documentation and SOPs to get where you want to be

●     Why tools, systems, and SOPs are a labor of love as you are the caretaker of your business

●     Why analyzing your processes and systems will help you understand where you are, manage your expectations, and build a solid foundation that supports your business goals


L-12 Services 

Find Lizabeth Wesely-Casella on LinkedIn.