Today’s episode covers the important topic of having difficult conversations with our clients. I’ve seen this come up frequently for coaches, and frankly, it involves taking steps that we are often reluctant to take. We have to remember that being in the highest service to our clients means that we can’t avoid the things that are uncomfortable. Join us as we dive deeper!
Becca Ribbing is the author of The Clarity Journal and has been a coach for over a decade. She’s on a mission to help people break out of the cycles of uncertainty and struggle that hold them back. Becca helps women going back and forth with the big, seemingly endless question of what to do next—so they can stop going around in circles and finally figure out what they truly want so they can create the clarity and momentum they crave.
Show Highlights:
● How Becca came into her work with difficult client conversations through work with a drug-addicted client
● Becca’s work with clients who want to change careers, especially those with ADHD and muddled pasts
● Why it’s difficult to spot the warning signs of addiction and ADHD
● The benefits when coaching clients also see a therapist for anxiety and depression
● How Becca sets the stage with clients in their intake session
● Becca shares specific examples of her work with ADHD clients
● The coach’s ethical obligations
● How to identify the client’s needs without stereotyping
● Specifics to remember about difficult conversations:
○ Listen.
○ Put forth a suggestion and let it sit.
○ Be comfortable with the discomfort.
○ Recognize that this is what the client is paying you to do.