Today’s show looks closely at the steps we take to move a client into our world. We are diving into specific actions necessary to continue to grow the know, like, and trust factor so that clients want to engage with us. Join us to learn more!
Nancy Giere spent a lifetime in the corporate training world, so she knows how businesses operate, and she isn’t afraid to shake things up. Her unique perspective, combined with more than 25 years of experience, has empowered her with fresh insight and the industry’s best-kept secrets that she’s ready to share with us. On a lifelong campaign against boring training, she uses the power of storytelling and light-hearted humor to create an engaging, fun, and interactive environment. Masterfully intertwining comedic humor with life lessons, her stories make learning stick. Nancy has worked with the biggest names in corporate America, like Johnson Controls, Harley Davidson, and Northwestern Mutual. Nancy’s sharing what she did to warm up her email list and how we can take steps toward client enrollment.
Show Highlights:
● What led Nancy into the work she does today
● How Nancy helps people create digital programs
● How creating freebie offerings shows your knowledge, expertise, and personality
● How giving people insight into who you are and what you’re about can be an effective lead magnet
● How Nancy created her PDF opt-in, 8 Easy Steps to Create Training That Sells
● In creating a program, you must first follow these steps:
○ Determine the scope of what you want to accomplish and get clear on where you are going.
○ Decide who you want to serve and what makes you unique.
○ Decide what you can offer to attract people to you.
● What it means to “warm up your email list and how to do it:
○ Provide tips and information while giving value.
○ Repurpose your content to social media platforms.
○ Use podcast appearances and speaking presentations to increase your email list.
● Why it’s helpful to create a partnership with someone who has a wider reach than you do
● How Nancy’s opt-in email and system is structured: It starts with the opt-in PDF and progresses to free webinars, paid two-day retreats, and group programs or one-on-one coaching offered in some combination.
● Why the key to offering webinars is to give people enough value that they want more
● Why the goal of webinars is to get people into your larger programs
● Why you need various offerings to accommodate clients who are in different places and want to move at different paces
● Why your opt-in offer has to be of outstanding value, so you don’t lose the know, like, and trust factor
● Why your offer has to have fluidity and build upon each element in a natural flow
● Nancy’s tips:
○ Look at your content, inventory it, and decide how to pull it out to reuse in different ways.
○ Think about blocking your webinars into sections so you can cut the video and fashion it into an online course.
○ Take the transcription of your webinar and record over it to make a tighter, more
Find Nancy’s FREE gift, 8 Easy Steps to Create Training That Sells