Welcome to the STaR Coach Show! However you show up in this big world of coaching, there is something here for you in today’s show. We are discussing how finding the edge lights you up and propels your business forward. Join us to learn more!
David Wood is a former consulting actuary to Fortune 100 companies. He built the world’s largest coaching business, becoming #1 on Google for life coaching and coaching thousands of hours in 12 countries around the globe. In addition to helping others, David is no stranger to overcoming challenges himself, having survived a full collapse of his paraglider and a fractured spine, witnessing the death of his sister at age seven, anxiety and depression, and a national Gong Show experience (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgKwAJieQes). David coaches high-performing business owners to double their revenue, and he helps them maximize their time off by focusing on less and being 30% more courageous in their business or career.
Show Highlights:
● David’s work today and the winding road that brought him here from a difficult childhood in Australia to consulting in NYC to coaching
● How his first coaching experience got him hooked on coaching forever–and how he’s never looked back
● What it means to “play full out” as opposed to “playing it safe”(David shares his terrifying Gong Show experience.)
● How David “played full out” in becoming a speaker and pursuing his dreams of being an actor
● Three important questions:
○ What really matters to me right now?
○ What would I like to move toward at a faster pace?
○ If I was fearless, what would I do?
● Why it’s important to find the sweet spot zone between playing it safe and playing full out
● David’s current endeavors include coaching, working with business owners, writing The Mouse in the Room, Extraordinary Focus podcast, and his Tough Conversations podcast.
● Final words from David: “Have courage through a heart lens. Live life so that, when you’re on your deathbed, you can say you gave it everything and really, truly lived.”
Connect with David: My Focus Gift
Find David on Twitter, Linked In, and on Facebook at Extraordinary Focus.