Today’s show takes a look at key components to coaching success. We are discussing using your coaching skills in a sales conversation to create win-win energy, inviting the most ideal clients to work with you, and listening to what the client needs. Another topic is inviting clients into your world in a way that is open to the rejections they bring–and solving those rejections. Join us to learn more!

Doug Brown started working for his family’s business at the age of three, and he went on to start and build over 35 companies. After spending twelve years in the US Army, he became the top-selling sales representative for a two-billion-dollar company. With travels to 47 US states and 14 countries, he has consulted, coached, advised, and trained thousands of people in business for companies like Enterprise Rent-a-Car, Nationwide, Procter & Gamble, and CBS Television. Doug has also worked in sales and training for companies run by Tony Robbins, Chet Holmes, and Russ Whitney. Currently, Doug is the CEO of Business Success Factors, where he helps businesses grow and accelerate their sales revenue. He is the creator of Sales Revenue Growth University, where he teaches the best sales revenue growth strategies to companies who are serious about their sales growth. His book, Win-Win Selling: Unlocking Your Power for Profitability by Resolving Objections, is an international bestseller.

Show Highlights:

● The philosophy behind Doug’s “win-win selling:” doing the right thing for ourselves and our clients so that everyone wins and relationships are built on trust

● Why the point is resolving objections, not overcoming objections; this is done by challenging the objections in a respectful way

● How all objections form in the presence of major or minor fears

● How coaching presents both a professional and personal ROI

● Why most coaches are terrible at value selling

● How the ROI for a client increases when they gain confidence, save relationships, gain free time, etc.

● Doug’s Nine Rules for Resolving Objections:

○ Breathe and relax.

■ This interrupts the pattern and gives time to ask questions of clarity.

○ Get curious–not confrontational.

■ Ask questions of curiosity like a child.

○ Think before you act or speak.

■ This helps you avoid confrontation and overreactions.

○ Ask good questions and let the other person speak.

■ Hear what they have to say.

○ Resolve objections–don’t overcome them.

■ Don’t become confrontational or defensive.

○ Focus on win-win.

■ There should be value for both sides.

○ There should be no loser.

■ Disengaging can lead to valuable referrals.

○ Watch your tone and expression.

■ Don’t be condescending, especially with your first responses.

○ Maintain rapport at all times.

■ This can make all the difference in the relationship.

● How Doug’s Training University on conversational conversion will be available in early 2022


Business Success Factors 


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Find Doug’s book, Win-Win Selling at Win-Win Selling Book.

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