There have been a number of wonderful guests on the show over the past months and occasionally Meg goes solo and focuses on a relevant topic. Meg, who has been trained in both Psychotherapy and in Coaching, has been working with people for for over thirty years, helping them to bring about positive change in their lives. She is also a Coach Instructor in two Coach Training programs. Meg explains that she finds herself able to hear the interests of the coaches and work with them to move forward. Listen in today and find out how she can help you to move forward with your coaching clients with a wholehearted way of living.
Today, Meg takes her first look at the concept of Wholeheartedness and the work of Dr. Brenè Brown, an author and researcher who focuses on shame and vulnerability and she explores how her work can help you, as a coach. Listen in and find out why Meg chose to share Dr. Brown’s work with you today.
Today, Meg discusses:
- How doing something new can lead to feelings of vulnerability.
- Wholehearted Living- tapping into your vulnerability to embrace being a more whole person.
- The gifts of imperfection.
- How Brene Brown’s work can help you to better partner with your clients.
- The great many insecurities and the lack of self love, that lie behind the arrogant facade of many people.
- What you can learn from people who live a Wholehearted Life.
- A key element to apply when living a Wholehearted Life- to truly love yourself.
- The importance of understanding and embracing your vulnerabilities, as well as your strengths.
- Brene Brown’s concept of self love, through acknowledging both your strengths and your vulnerabilities and appreciating that your imperfections bring you gifts.
- How you can maximize your contribution, by practicing courage, compassion and connection.
- Becoming comfortable with being curious and not knowing.
- How allowing yourself to be vulnerable will help you to connect with your clients.
- The better you are at accepting yourself, the more compassionate you can become.
- Letting go of judgement and criticism and setting boundaries instead.
- Letting go of the need to direct your client to your way of thinking.
- Connection- being seen, heard and valued.
- What you need to do to increase your own sense of worthiness.
The current book in Meg’s giveaway: Results Coaching by Fran Schuster, PCC
Books: Daring Greatly and The Gifts of Imperfection by Dr. Brenè Brown