Today’s show is packed with actionable strategies for creating a better workflow in your life. Whether you are new to running a business or have been an entrepreneur for years, time blocking can help to structure your days and weeks for maximum efficiency. Join us to learn more!

Ashao FreeSky helps coaches by giving them the exact blueprint to streamline their businesses and become more productive. He is passionate about helping parent-preneurs work less and enjoy more time with their families. Ashao is the founder of Double Your Time Off, where he helps online coaches skyrocket their businesses while shaving hours from their workweek.

Show Highlights:

● How Ashao’s winding journey led him to offer help with productivity and efficiency to others

● Today’s challenge: how to avoid distraction from our most important work when there are so many demands on our time

● What it means to be “highly effective” in our businesses (Hint: it doesn’t mean doing more things faster!)

● How time blocking can help harness our focus and cut everything else out

● Three phases of time blocking:

○ Take a high level, big-picture view of your most important priorities:

■ Health and Self (Schedule time for sleep, movement, and growth.)

■ Family and Relationships (Don’t let work infringe on this set-aside time!)

■ Service and Work (Work begins and ends at specific times.)

○ Time-block your weeks according to daily “themes” so your effort can be more focused. (Google Calendar can help!)

■ Make time for planning. (It is helpful to look ahead to the next week on Friday afternoon.)

■ “Maker time” is for the tasks that are the most demanding and move your business forward.

■ Manager time is for administrative tasks that support your high-value work.

○ Time-block your days.

■ Use a “power up/power down” ritual to transition to and from work and family times.

■ Schedule breaks for energy renewal during the day.

■ Put high-value work at earlier times in the day.

● How creating habits will help develop processes that become a natural fit

● How Ashao has seen a “night and day” difference in his life by implementing time-blocking strategies


Connect with Ashao and get his FREE 90-Day Planner: Perfect Productivity 

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