Welcome to December! Today’s topic is very important in that setting up an anti-racist workplace is a good move economically, emotionally, and holistically for everyone. I’m talking to the co-authors of a book that takes on this subject, and our conversation centers around how coaches are in a unique position to usher in this conversation for workplaces everywhere. Join us to learn more!

I’m joined by Margaret Greenberg and Gina Greenlee to discuss The Business of Race. Margaret and Gina self-identify as white American and black American, respectively. Margaret is president of The Greenberg Group, a consulting firm dedicated to coaching executives and their teams to lead large-scale organizational change. She is a globally-recognized thought leader, keynote speaker, and positive psychology pioneer.

Gina Greenlee is an organizational development, project management, communications training, and education professional. She creates experiential learning models and stages of readiness for behavioral change. Margaret and Gina share how they partnered together to write their book, and we discuss the impact of empathy, curiosity, and how coaches are uniquely qualified to help leaders create and sustain anti-racist workplaces. 

Show Highlights:

  • How Gina and Margaret used their deep, decades-long friendship as the basis for their writing partnership
  • Why the death of George Floyd prompted their deeper, race-centered conversations with each other
  • How their writing style is the perfect balance of the “angry black woman” and “privileged white woman” so people will accept it
  • How we can best address the reality of unpleasant race issues in history
  • Why empathy is a critical emotion when considering race and US history
  • How coaches are uniquely positioned to step into the space of race because of their empathy, curiosity, and awareness  
  • Why creating and sustaining an anti-racist workplace is good for business
  • Why shared context and readiness are vital in conversations about race
  • How assessment tools can be helpful for coaches in assessing readiness (See Resources for the ASI and the OSA and more.)
  • How the Race Card Project works to help further understanding and change
  • Gina’s parting words to coaches: “You must do your own work before you can work with clients about race. Be curious.”
  • Margaret’s parting words to coaches: “With our book, I recommend that you read a chapter and reflect on the questions.”


Connect with Margaret, Gina, and The Business of Race on LinkedIn



Other resources shared in this episode:

Profit from the Positive by Margaret Greenberg

Cheaper Than Therapy: How to Take Risks to Create the Life You Want by Gina Greenlee

The NPR Race Card Project

Anti-Racist Ally by Sophie Williams

Shared Sisterhood by Tina Opie and Beth A. Livingston

The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee

All Are Welcome by Cynthia Owyoung

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