How do YOU set the stage for the value of coaching?

In other words, what’s your value proposition? Since coaching is a relatively new and often misunderstood profession, many conversations are called coaching when they are something else entirely. In trying to create clarity about what we do with our clients, many coaches define their profession by saying what it is NOT, and I don’t believe that perspective brings value to our coaching. Let’s take a deeper look at how we set the stage for the value of coaching. Join me for this solo episode as I share four specific strategies for building and sharing your value proposition.

Show Highlights:

  • Why coaching is one of many types of conversations we can have with others—but it’s the one that brings transformational change
  • What the coaching partnership is–and what it does for your clients
  • What the data shows about the results of coaching in moving clients forward
  • Four strategies for building and sharing your value proposition as a coach:
  • Be a student of the results that coaching brings.
  • Let go of “coach-speak.”
  • Tie in your process to let them know what to expect.
  • Seed your value proposition into everything (every social media post, blog post, speaking engagements). 
  • How the partnership aspect of coaching brings a unique value to the relationship
  • Why clients will be more ready to engage when they know they know what the coaching process looks like and the results they can expect
  • How I use the acronym RESULTS to lay out my coaching process in my value proposition: Review, Evaluate, Strengths, Understand, Leverage, Target, and Sustainability
  • Why it is important to weave the evidence of your coaching into everything you do


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