Your mental health matters! As helping professionals, we have to understand how important our mental health is in allowing us to be our very best for our clients. In my 20+ years as a psychotherapist, I have learned how crucial it is to pay attention to the patterns and situations that arise in our lives. When we constantly focus on the problems of others, it is easy to neglect our own mental health and well-being. To help us dive into this important topic, I reached out to a good friend and colleague, and I’m thrilled that she’s joining us for this episode.
Dr. Jane Phillips is the owner of North Texas Family Solutions located in Granbury, Texas. She has been a practicing therapist since 2000, working with children, families, and couples affected by family court litigation and crisis. She profoundly understands the stress felt by adults and children involved in divorce and custody disputes and actively works with family members to explore creative solutions to those difficult circumstances caused by separation and divorce. Dr. Jane helps us identify what we should pay attention to in our own mental well-being and how to best help our clients.
Show Highlights:
- The starting point: making sure we are “breathing well” before we can help others
- What to look for as signs that our mental health needs immediate attention
- What our bodies can reveal about our mental health–and why we cannot ignore what our bodies try to tell us!
- What we should pay attention to regarding our mood and interest in activities
- What we should notice about our ability to fully present and engaged with other people
- What we can do to lean into good mental health care for ourselves: taking frequent daily breaks for movement and play, establishing routines around sleep and nutrition, setting boundaries around work, giving ourselves grace, and learning to change our perspective
- How we can mind our concentration level and “get back on track” when we drift
- How personal relationships and community support can help support mental health and well-being
- What to look for in our clients that might prompt a referral to an additional professional
- Dr. Jane’s best tips for being responsible about mental health for ourselves and our clients
Connect with Dr. Jane Phillips: Website and Facebook
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