How are you getting in front of your audience? Today’s technology with social media and video opportunities opens doors that would have cost us thousands of dollars just a few years ago. Yet so many coaches have a real hesitancy about and resistance to getting in front of their audience with live video.
Today’s episode covers how you can eliminate barriers, access resources, and optimize your impact on the world by tapping into live video. I’m sharing ten strategies to help you show up, shine, and step into the video space with more consistency, confidence, and flair. Join me to learn more!
Show Highlights:
Ten strategies to help you show up and shine with video:
- Know your audience. Understand their aspirations, pain points, and how your message can resonate with them.
- Think like a beginner. When creating content, build a foundation, and don’t assume what your audience already knows.
- Realize that it’s all about building relationships. It is not about you but about what your audience needs from you.
- Visualize your audience. When on video, see yourself having a conversation with one person who epitomizes your audience.
- Choose to be consistent. Consistency will build your know, like, and trust factor as people connect regularly with you.
- Find a partner to go online with. Bouncing ideas off one another will help the creative juices flow.
- Do some investigating. Get curious about the resources and content you already have around you–and use it.
- Look through the lens of everyday wonders. What can you notice in your life that can be the beginning of a post?
- Chunk it down. Use bite-sized nuggets of inspiration to offer consumable pieces of information.
- Just do it. Your mind is your biggest asset AND your biggest barrier.
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Listen to PART ONE
And listen to PART TWOGet a peek at all that is available in THE STAR COACH COMMUNITY