Are you living your truth in the way you show up for your coaching clients? As coaches, it is essential that we listen and communicate well to help others be the best they can be along their journey, and no matter what our level of experience, there are always more opportunities for learning and growth. Join us to learn how to show up as the best and truest version of yourself!
Mike Green is the author of Wandermust: A Hero’s Journey to Seven Truths. He is a global keynote speaker, facilitator, and Master Certified Coach with over 30 years and 11,000 hours of international human performance experience. As an “adventurer of leadership,” Mike has traveled to and worked with individuals and organizations in over 63 countries on all seven continents in a multicultural array of top corporations and outfits. From this depth of experience in living an adventurous outdoor life, Mike coaches his clients to identify their leadership truths, be more congruent leaders, and create better experiences for the people they lead.
Show Highlights:
- What it means to live out “your coaching truth”
- Highlights of Mike’s own “hero’s journey” (Hint: It began in Aisle 4 of his hometown grocery store.)
- How a 14-day Outward Bound dog sledding program changed teenage Mike’s life and built momentum for the rest of his life
- How Mike learned to identify his self-limiting thoughts and change them as he took his next steps into criminal justice, teaching, and coaching
- What happened for Mike when he wrote his book, Wandermust
- What Mike wants listeners to hear and understand about defining “your coaching truth”
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Books mentioned by Mike
The Rihla by Ibn BattutaThe War of Art by Steven Pressfield