What sets you apart as a coach? You don’t have to look far to find coaches of every shape, size, and principle. We, as coaches, know the value that we bring to the world and to our profession, but how do we bring distinction? How do I “stand out” in the coaching world?  If I’m looking for a coach, how do I find the right one that clicks with me? Today’s show answers these questions and more!

Ben Dooley is a fun and high energy Master Certified Coach. He comes from a varied background as a professional actor, clown, waiter, and restaurant reviewer. It is this background that provides him a wide range of experience in viewing the world in different ways. He is truly a coach of coaches who brings richness to the profession. He will teach you how to find your WOW—the five words that will explode your confidence and coaching.

““The five words are qualities that are already naturally powerful, proficient, easy, and effortless.” Ben Dooley
Show Highlights:

* How Ben ended up in coaching from his acting career

* Why he loves helping people, teaching, and discovering how we function as people

* What it means to show up authentically as a coach and to help clients step into their lives authentically

* Why it’s OK that not everyone will “click” with you as a coach

* Ben’s magic around “the five words”

* The big question: What five words describe me when I’m at my best?

* How the five words differ from strengths

* The questions answers what we all wonder—”Who am I?”

* How the five words show what people love about you

* The effect of the five words in exploding coaches’ confidence

* How this exercise helps coaches explore distinction and beat the “commonplace”

* Why the five words ARE your truth

* How to get started with as few as 20 people

* “The five words are qualities that are already naturally powerful, proficient, easy, and effortless.”

* How you can access Ben’s resources to fight the feeling of isolation as a coach


Ben Dooley Check out Ben’s books, classes, and coaching forum calls!
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