This week we are re-visiting our interview with Master Coach Judy Feld to acknowledge and honor her recent induction to the ICF Inaugural Circle of Distinction.  The Circle of Distinction (COD) program celebrates the best of the coaching profession and ICF.  Those invited into the COD are experienced coach practitioners who have made their mark on the ICF and the coaching profession.  There are only 6 coaches worldwide in this inaugural class so I thought it was fitting to highlight Judy’s interview to recognize and celebrate her achievement.

If you would like to learn about generational perspectives and find out how this understanding will help you, when coaching your clients, join our interview with Judy Feld to gain a better understanding of the behavioral and thought patterns which are specific to each generation.

“Our role as coaches is to guide them to find their own way.”

Judy, a popular speaker on the topic of generational change, is a Master Certified Coach and a past president of the ICF, who also spent many years serving on the ICF Board of Directors. She’s  the founder of the ICF North Texas Chapter, which was the very first chapter ever to be established. Judy has been a Mentor Coach for almost twenty years and she’s been working with professionals to support them in creating strategies to achieve their goals and maintain a healthy and optimal work/life balance since 1995. She has extensive experience in career change leadership and communication coaching for professionals at all levels and in all areas, including CEO’s and she has coached executives, entrepreneurs, managers and business teams all over the world. Judy works with organisations to increase their understanding of generational perspectives and to maximize their strengths within a varied workforce. Listen in and discover ways that you can partner with your clients far more effectively.

Today, Judy talks to Meg about:

  • Why you should care about generational change.
  • What some of the generational differences are.
  • What the typical layout of the generational differences tells us about their values and the kinds of choices that they might make.
  • Generation Oregon Trail– Who they are and where they fit in.
  • How you can blend this information with curiosity to benefit your clients.
  • Generation Z– Who they are and where they fit in.
  • The traits of the different generations and how this understanding is helpful to coaches.
  • Why Baby Boomers may tend to be dubious about coaching.
  • How you could deal with clients who view coaching as a punishment, rather than an opportunity.
  • How you as a coach could help the Silent Generation by helping them to understand the other generations.
  • How the concept of generations impacts organisations.
  • How you can enhance the experience of meetings when they include people across the generations.
  • How a coach acts as a synthesiser.
  • How Judy has been using this information in helping leaders to become more effective.
  • How early experiences shape the different generations.


Judy’s website: – For resources, articles and information.

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