As a coach or small business owner, how much thought do you give to your online presence? Can people find you on Google? In today’s world of technology, your website and your SEO should be at the top of your list of priorities, because your clients have to find you! Join me today for practical tips, advice, and one big step you can take to see your business growth skyrocket.

Dr. Karen Finn is a content marketing expert, but she didn’t start out that way. After years of struggling to build her divorce coaching practice through networking, social media, and speaking–with little success, she discovered the world of content marketing. In just 18 months, the number of visitors to her website had grown by more than 2000%, which translated into a significant growth in both clients AND income. The funny thing that happened with all the work she put into learning and implementing online marketing is that Karen discovered her love for this field. She now uses that passion to help other coaches and small business owners grow their businesses online.

Show Highlights:

  • In Karen’s professional journey, she started as a chemical engineer and then went through a divorce that rocked her world and set her on the path to be a divorce coach

  • She did her coach training, set up her practice and website, and then felt like a failure because it wasn’t working—until she discovered the world of SEO (search engine optimization)

  • What is SEO? It boils down to how you can be found online–which means EVERYTHING to your business

  • Things to consider in building your website:

  • It has to stay updated and current (Take a look at others’ sites that are successful)

  • It doesn’t have to cost a fortune (It can be very affordable!)

  • It needs to meet your needs NOW (You can update and upgrade as you go)

  • It needs to be secure and protected for privacy (Website visitors will not proceed or give you personal information if the site is not secure!)

  • How clients can know your site is secure: Talk to your website host company and ask for an “https”

  • What you need to know about cookies and GDPR

  • Let your clients know about any new and updated privacy policies by sending an email to your mailing list

  • How Karen changed her website to implement her SEO strategy

  • Why Karen discovered the need for writing blogs twice weekly for 18 months

  • The miraculous results of writing her blog: In 10 months, her website visitors increased from 225 visitors/month to 5000 visitors/month!

  • Today, Karen averages 1000 visitors/day to her website!

  • Why you need “content freshness” and why it’s important to Google

  • A tip for relevant and helpful blogs: Have keywords that people are interested in

  • The benefits Karen has seen from her increased web traffic are more newletter sign-ups, more consultations, more product sales, more coaching clients, and dramatically increased revenue

  • Out of 1000 daily visitors to her website, about 3% of those become her clients (that’s about 30 new clients daily!)

  • How Karen discovered a new love for coaching and consulting people about optimizing their SEO

  • The ripple effect that strong coaching provides

  • Karen’s team building efforts and how she’s helping small business owners reach more clients

  • How podcasters can maximize their blog exposure for SEO


Find out more about Karen and her work: KJ Content Marketing

Take advantage of Karen’s offer of a free SEO audit for your business: KJ Content Marketing