As coaches, we always strive to bring our best forward so we can partner with our clients to help them create the changes they want in their lives. Today’s expert guest is a renowned authority on leadership assessment and development. Join us to learn more about growing into your greatness and being the most effective executive coach you can be!
Mohamed Hamza is a facilitator, assessor, and coach with significant contributions in more than ten countries. He is the Senior Client Success Director for Mercer Talent Enterprise, where he assumes the crucial responsibility of designing, developing, and delivering cutting-edge leadership assessment and development solutions to esteemed clients. Mohamed has coached over 3000 leaders from future talent to C-suite executives. His extensive experience and continuous pursuit of knowledge position him as a leading figure in business and leadership, delivering exceptional value to his clients and organizations.
Show Highlights:
- Mohamed’s current position at Mercer and his passion for leadership development
- The value in experiencing coaching through the client lens (“You will not believe in coaching unless you are a client first.”)
- Steps to maximum coaching effectiveness:
- Using a multicultural approach in coaching
- Reasons for the current growth of coaching in the Middle East
- The influence of culture on coaching results
- Mohamed’s perspective on his executive coaching work and the results clients want
- Finding a balance in coaching within an organization and addressing deeper issues with clients
- Mohamed’s advice to everyone: “Try coaching once. Don’t be a conservative client. Just open up. This is how it works.”
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A few spots remain for the Fall STaR Coach Show Mentor Program! It’s quickly approaching; we begin in late August!
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Connect with Mohamed Hamza